Instrument makers directory

Are you looking for your next instrument? Do you dream of knowing everything about how harpsichords are made? This page is for you! On Saturday 21 November, 1:30pm to 2:30pm CET, the instruments makers that are participating in our Summit will answer your questions and more during one on one video calls. To find out more, browse the map for pictures and videos, and use the list below for details about the video calls !

NameLast nameOrganisationCityCountryWebsiteZoom
FrancescoLi VirghiDolciflauti di Alice Li VirghiOrteItaly
ID riunione: 692 209 0816
Passcode: v7niDr
AllanWinklerAllan Winkler HarpsichordsMedfordUnited States of America (USA)
PierreVerbeekClavichord maker Pierre VerbeekDaverdisseBelgium
AleksandraPisterNational Museum – Palace of the Grand Dukes of LithuaniaLisbonPortugal
LorenzoLioLorenzo Lio: recorder makerSt.GallenSwitzerland
RenéSlotboomRené Slotboom Werkplaats AlexanderZeistNetherlands
TerryMannTerry Mann
Medieval and Renaissance woodwind
Castle CampsUnited Kingdomhttp://www.terrymann.net
SarahBlanchardSarah Blanchard LutherieEloyesFrancehttps://sb-lutherie.fr
PierreRiboSous Les Platanes sprlBruxellesBelgium
KatrienVandermeerschKatrien Vandermeersch baroque instumentsTurnhoutBelgium
EitanHofferEitan Hoffer: bowsẔeviyyaIsraelhttp://hoffer-bows.com
PhilippeBoltonPhilippe BoltonVILLES SUR AUZONFrancehttp://www.flute-a-bec.com
SolangeChivasChivas solange ArchetièreBedoinFrancehttp://archets-chivas.com
romanroman cedronatelier de lutherie roman cedronfontenay sous boisFrance
MartineArgelliesSARL Clavecins Martine ArgelliesMontpellier - FranceFrancehttp://www.clavecins-argellies.com
OlivierCORNELIUSLa Camera delle LacrimeClermont-FerrandFrance
ClaireSÉCORDELClaire SÉCORDEL - Flûtes à becSCHILTIGHEIMFrancehttp://www.clairesecordel.fr
NellyPoidevinNelly Poidevin ArchetièreDinanFrance
AntoineLaulhèreGiovanna Chitto' da Brescia & Antoine Vittori LaulhèreGennevilliersFrance
OlivierPontOlivier Pont Luthier DinanDinanFrance
EricLourmeEric Lourme luthier MorlaixMorlaixFrance
ArnaudGiralArnaud Giral - Violin MakerBristolUnited Kingdom
Meeting ID: 938 753 5797
Passcode: dE1EbR
BruceKennedyKennedy HarpsichordsCastelmuzioItaly
SergeCLADERESLuthier - Fabricant de cordes en boyauMontfort en ChalosseFrancehttp://www.sergecladeres.fr
Code secret : Ww8bc6